#whywefloat – From Float Ambassador, Josh Hogan

I’m not entirely sure how Josh and I first met.  I believe it was the wonderful world of Twitter – that sounds about right.  However it was, what struck me about Josh was how brave and eloquent he was with tackling difficult topics in a mature manner.  He spoke up, he didn’t take anyone’s $h!t and was a strong voice for many who couldn’t speak up.  Also, we can’t forget how AMAZING that beard of his is, right?  In Josh’s words below, he shares why he floats and his experience at The Floatation Centre.  Thank you buddy for taking time for YOU and visiting us with yer METAL TUNES!
I remember a few years back hearing rumours of a sensory deprivation chamber opening soon in Halifax. As someone who dabbled in meditation, my interest was immediately peaked, or perhaps it was the brilliantly hilarious episode of The Simpsons  “Make Room for Lisa” where Homer and Lisa try their hand at sensory deprivation. Regardless of the inspiration source, to say I was excited to try the first floatation tank east of Montreal would be a drastic understatement.
Then in some wonderful, random, universe-connecting moment, I was approached by Lindsay (the owner) asking if I would have any interest in taking a test run at the floatation centre before it officially opened to the public. I couldn’t have said “Yes” fast enough.As I entered the space for the first time, I still recall the feeling of being instantly welcomed, both by the building’s atmosphere and by Lindsay’s thorough walk through of the space, and the floatation process.

After the tour ended and the door shut in the room, I was left standing alone with this giant, salt-water, space shuttle looking machine, staring back at me. Now I should mention, I cannot swim and I’ve never been a fan of smaller, enclosed spaces. I begin to question if I could actually do this, but I knew that I had to try it, at least, once.

I still recall the feeling of the salt water encompassing my feet as I first entered the tank, I took a deep breath and lied back. Rocking in the water, I remember lifting my hands from the base of the tank… I was floating, I was actually floating! As a non-swimmer, this was an absolute first for me and it felt incredible. I lied there for a few minutes and just took it all in. Confidence assured, I reached up and shut the hatch, breathing deeply as the water settled back around my body.

The remaining sixty or so minutes passed in a blur of conscious and unconscious thoughts. As the chanting sounds awoke me from my semi-conscious slumber, I pushed the hatch open and exited the tank. I felt refreshed and recharged, and I realized this first float was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. I knew I had found something special, and I knew I would be back again.