Why We Float: Rachel

Early Spring, we hired three new team members to ensure that we are providing you with the best experience possible.  While each team member’s personality is vastly unique, they all have two things in common: they have the biggest hearts out there AND they love to float.  Our reasons for #whywefloat are always different and we take away our own personal messages.  Because of such, over the upcoming months, we will be highlighting the reasons why each of us float here at The Floatation Centre.  Feel free to leave a comment as to why YOU float! We’re so happy share this with you!


I’d always been interested in alternative health and wellness and first heard about floating from the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. I was drawn to the benefits but did not realize how pure of practice it would come to be. In today’s world we are constantly being bombarded and it can seem impossible to escape. Floating is this rogue experience where you can authentically be with yourself. Each session feeling reborn and ready to take on your dreams with a freshness you just can’t get anywhere else (other than the beach of course).

We’re turning ONE and we want you to join us on May 15th to celebrate! For more information, check out our Facebook event HERE!