21-Day Meditation Challenge

If you’ve been dabbling with the idea of meditation, here is a great opportunity to start your daily practice.  Deepak Chopra offers FREE 21-Day Meditation Challenges through his website and the next one begins on November 3rd.  For three consecutive weeks, an email containing a link to the day’s ~ 20 minute meditation is sent to you.  It begins with a short introduction about the day’s goals by Oprah, then Deepak takes over and guides you through the rest of the meditation.

Admittedly, when Oprah signed on to the mediation challenge I was a bit put off.  I think the woman is doing remarkable things, but I’m not an Oprah-fanatic.  The way I see it now, is if Oprah can get her legions of fans hooked on meditation, I’m all for it.  If there is one thing that EVERYONE could do to make a positive shift in the world, meditation would be it. Hands down.  Twenty minutes a day of silence has profound effects and it’s proven.

Sign up online here and let’s connect via my Facebook page to motivate one another and share the love.

Support one another.  Meditate with friends.