Palmer’s 5 Tips for Floaters

There are plenty of things that you can do to “prepare” for your float. Our float guru, Palmer, wanted to share his five tips for floating with you to assist in your own practice. Read more below!

  1. Arrive early! Even if it isn’t your first time, come say hi, pay, have some water, sit and read. Whatever it is you do, come early. Get in the space and feel good about taking some time for yourself. If you come to float like a hot mess, chances are you’re going to take a long time to settle in and not get the most out of your float.

  1. Start your deep breathing exercise in the shower pre-float. I do this every time I float. 5ish minutes of deep breathing in the shower allows me to get into the breathing rhythm that I hope to continue for my entire float!
  1. Do not go into your float hoping you’re going trip out because you heard that Joe Rogan ate some pot cookies and saw something crazy during a float. Floating is a very personal experience and no two floats are ever the same. Drop the expectations and just allow your float to happen. Don’t be bummed out because your first float didn’t live up to the hype, the effects of floating can be immediate or slowly present themselves over a period of time . Take notice of how you’re feeling and revel in the fact that you’re likely the most physically relaxed that you’ve been in a very long time!

  1. There is no pressure to stay in for the whole time. That big white door to the tank opens just as easy to get out as it does to get in, so if you feel like you need to get out for a moment just do it. Ease into this weird new experience. It’s not every day that you lie naked in a tank full of salt water so if it takes a little while to get used to then so be it. I got out of my first float twice and didn’t last the full time until my fifth float. No one is going to judge you for going at your own pace.
  1. Don’t be in a rush to leave. Allow the post-float feeling to sink in, have some tea, and hang out with us for a little bit. I feel like I’ve done myself a disservice each time I float and then run off to the next “to-do”. Giving yourself 10-15 minutes to just re-integrate after a float really allows you to notice the mental and physical shifts from pre to post float!

And as always, if you have any questions at all – just ask! That’s what we’re here for. Nothing is too weird or “out there” for us. We provide a safe, comfortable and non-judgemental space for all.