Monthly Float Memberships

Floating on a regular basis is the best way to gain, and maintain, all the benefits from floating. Like yoga, floating is a practice.  You won’t get all the answers in your first float, but it certainly is a good start.  Most folks find that a monthly float is the perfect way to hit the RESET button in their lives and choose to show up for themselves on a regular basis. AND just because you committed to taking care of YOU, for your first float of the month you will receive a Real Food Bar from Made with Local AND a kombucha from Goodmore Kombucha OR a Lemon Kick juice from enVie.


Monthly floats are billed on the 15th of each month; Autopay contract is required! We do this on the 15th, rather than the 1st, to avoid coming out on the same day as most bills. If you float more between the 15th of the 15th, your additional floats during that time are only $45 + taxes. As long as your account is in good standing with us, your floats will NEVER expires!

For more information (and the Fine Print) about our Monthly Memberships, have a peek at our pricing page HERE.