Why we do what we do – Mariah, Reiki Master

NOTE: This is an archived post from January 4, 2019. Any policies, pricings, or services mentioned in the article may not reflect current policies, pricings, or services at The Floatation Centre. Please review our available wellness services or contact us with any questions.
Reiki taught me that structure holds the flow
Being a Reiki Practitioner has taught me many things. One of the most important things is how to recognize and allow growth in yourself and your Practice.
Starting out as a young woman, fresh out of post-secondary with minimal knowledge about myself and where I fit in, I moved away to a place I call home… Halifax, Nova Scotia.
These last couple of years here have changed my view of relationships, my understanding of self and most importantly my heart. I didn’t understand what real love was, let alone platonic love. How could one love another and it not be in a romantic way?
The severed connections that were mandatory for my next steps ripped my heart. A pain that cannot be described as something physical. It went beyond my body, beyond this reality into different lifetimes where I would mourn in the same way. Crippling down in a corner and hope that the sun would find me once again. But the ripping opened up new pockets, new space that I didn’t even know could be made. It felt like Mariah left the body and a newer version fell back in.
This new place where my eyes sat was filled with love, with acceptance and all I knew at its peak was my story can start again today. New loves, new friends, new memories.
Reiki taught me right from wrong
Reiki taught me that sometimes everyone can be the “one”
Reiki taught me that structure holds the flow
Reiki taught me that crying cleanses my soul
Reiki taught me that I cannot fall
Reiki taught me how to sit in someone else’s eyes
Reiki taught me how to touch gently, but clean deeply, every single time
Reiki taught me how to live my life
Reiki gave me my words, my voice
The life of a Practitioner can go a million different ways, but my Practice is the one thing that always holds me up, the thing that always fills me with passion.
Reiki is Love
Love limitless
Love is honest
Love is clear
That’s what I trust
Trust that my practice is me, in me

I have had many physical locations for my Practice in the last couple of years and each place has taught me something important.
Bespoke Clinic – The place that trusted that I could actually be, be a Practitioner THANK YOU Amanda Hennigar
Blue Apples – That there is always a place for you if you ask Daniel Wiseman
My HomeCan you handle people being in your space, in every way?
Pramana – That my Practice is healthy and grounded. That my work is valued and that I actually am making a difference, deeper then I will ever know. THANK YOU Pramana’s, Alicia Wright <3
And Now…
The Floatation Centre – That you can expand, be in more places, continue to build a connection. That you can nest and be who you truly are.
THANK YOU The Floatation Centre
Thank you for reading<3
I am over the moon excited that I get to start a new chapter, in a new year and reach more people.
Pramana (every other Sunday)
10am – 6pm (thereikieye.com)
The Floatation Centre 
Monday 10am – 3:30pm
Thursday 10am – 3:30pm
Friday 10am – 3:30pm
Sunday 10am – 6pm
www.thefloatationcentre.ca or call 902 453 5628


NOTE: This is an archived post from January 4, 2019. Any policies, pricings, or services mentioned in the article may not reflect current policies, pricings, or services at The Floatation Centre. Please review our available wellness services or contact us with any questions.