Give the gift of rest and relaxation to those who could really use it this year <3
THIS WEEKEND: Pop over to our Online Store and use the code TFGC2020 to SAVE the taxes on gift cards!
Here are the fine details:
- In-store purchases AND online purchases only but please, stay home and shop Online!
- Online purchases can use the code TFGC2020 to receive 15% off their online purchases. This code will be valid on the 12th and 13th of December 2020 only!
- Single floats + float packages including the Float + Massage Combo (min 1 hour massage) are available for purchase:
- Single 75-minute floats;
- Intro Pack of 3 Floats (non-sharable);
- Student Float Session;
- Sixty and 90 minute massage sessions;
- Float Dyad (2 floats at same time); and
- Float Massage Combo (minimum 1 hour massage).
- We will not be accepting purchases over the phone. Sorry for the inconvenience.
How to Purchase Online:
Pop on over to our website and click the BOOK NOW button at the top.
Click on the Store Tab and then click Gift Certificates
Select your gift card and customize
Enter Promotion Code TFGC2020 at checkout and Voila! you’re done